Thursday, May 30, 2024



When I was twenty-one years old, I acquired something I’d never yet possessed: 


It was sort of an ascension, a sense of personal power.  While I was in fact far less than powerless in every way, I could not, for the first time, be convinced of that.  That’s all that mattered.

Finally, after a two-year journey, I’d visibly shed a fortune of weight. In that chronic fear and anxiety of first-year collegiate ambivalence, everything you hear cited in those personal obesity-transformation challenge profiles on TV nowadays kind of applied to my odyssey, if maybe on a lesser scale. Unnecessary drama, emotional act-outs, codependency, everything predictable that goes on with a family under a roof. That plus midterms in a batch of courses I’d been nodding off during, and had yet to finish a third page in any of the seventy-five-dollar hardcover textbooks we were summoned to buy and read.

The weight may have been off, but the drama was still very much on. My mother and I had been roommates since I was nine. Fun times, with an overriding theme, which was, we were poor.

I certainly don’t mean to convey “poor” in its conventional definition, a depiction of people interviewed outside an urban housing project by an L.L. Bean-clad Bill Moyers, on his way to journalism award-recipienthood.  That wasn’t quite us.

By the time I hit nine, my mother was sick of living in her angry older brother’s little suburban cottage in Bayside, a souvenir of the tiki-lamp-backyard parties of the 1950s, now somber and ivy-covered in the 1970s, and drunk-off-her-ass or not, this alcoholic single mom was going to have to get her shit together and move herself and her kid out once and for all.  She’d only been telling me about this glorious plan for the prior five years during her common drunken departures, each one a brilliant audition for Martha in Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf.  When she was dry, the proverbial theater was dark and silent.  So was she.

Years of office jobs and efforts to improve the lives around those she thought she loved had her in the debt corner in her forties. So did the heart attack that sidelined her a couple years before.  So now it was all up to disability, child support from the well-off ex that she still adored, and any other denominations anyone who really cared about this child of hers were willing to drop into the collection plate.

Meantime, she found a great little pad for us half a borough away in an upscale neighborhood.  At the far end of Forest Hills we settled in a little mid-century studio apartment, blocks away from the all-new public-housing multiplex that almost got Mayor Lindsey assassinated by the furious, liberal-slanted Not-In-My-Backyard townspeople.  Migration into that little villa was actually the long-term game plan, but it looked as though Mom and I didn’t quite meet their criteria for destitution.  That had to stand for something.

Our little nest was one I could really like. No carpeting, of course.  No big living room console TV, but rather mom’s flickery old ’59 RCA portable.  Not even a room of my own.  But as I sized up the situation I fast realized there was no full cast anymore.  Just the two of us nurturing our own very codependent relationship.  Me and an unpredictably predictable alcoholic.  As Charlie Brown once said…”Just what I needed….a handful of chicken pox…”

We made it, though.  A tough, but lasting marriage, me and my mom.  I’ll bet you never hear the word marriage to define a young man’s life-long relationship with his mother.  Well, you should, because that’s exactly what it is if they’re living together in an inseparable codependency for so long. Two people, one young, one old, having no lives except for their obsessions with themselves and each other as the moment sees fit.  Those are some of our society’s most popular types of relationships, and many of them have long been held by the successfully-published experts who think they’re going to make a career out of fronting seminars to coliseum audiences on how to break out of them.  It’s like that Norman Lear movie Cold Turkey about the cigarette company that tried to bolster their image by fronting a non-smoking campaign.

We would weave in and out of a couple of cute little such apartments in the area throughout my adolescence. One even afforded us a teenage room of my own and someone’s former shag carpeting. With mom’s flair for design, we had a pretty trendy looking little 1980s nest, plants, lithograph prints and all.  Over time I’d get to know this incredibly well-read, sophisticated, impatient and unsuccessful woman and how academic fulfillment really did have a role in a life that nourished her with Liberal Arts, and left her gaunt and frail.

At age sixteen, in-between cram sessions for math tests and history exams, a good part of Sunday mornings were given over to sharing living room time together, over Charles Kuralt, the Sunday Times, and conversations about the Greek Philosophers and the writings of Michael Harrington.  Such would be the basis of the Liberal Arts framework of the CUNY curriculum to which PELL and TAP would entitle me.

Four years later, in a dusty, wood-floored, vintage flat in Brooklyn, blocks from the college to which I flocked for their glorious TV and Radio program that would presumably promise to catapult me to Network Executivehood in four years, the marriage was on the rocks.

We moved there when our Queens pad turned condo and exiled us for a pile of money.  Not quite enough though to fulfill the promise of rent on the little museum piece we moved into.  Think Polanski’s The Tenant.  If you like gothic settings, this was your kinda digs. The landlady caretaker was a four foot-ten inch ninety-year old woman, and the porter was a young Greek man who sneered and spoke no English.  Our neighbor was, small world, a tall, stout fellow in his thirties who also lived with his ailing mother. We’d have bonded if he were friendlier, and less sociopathic.  He slid threatening, scrawled notes under our door and ultimately tried to set the building ablaze.  He was then apprehended and sent away for a little vacation.  He didn’t look too well rested when I ran into him in the elevator two years later.

But we had bigger problems. I say “we” as if I was fronting any portion of this crusade and hardly was that in any way the case. At nineteen, I knew and embraced my role: Frightened child, constantly bound for parental-approval glory. It wasn’t my train wreck. I was just a stowaway in the sleeper car. It was all just more stuff to avoid, along with my proverbial wife’s return to periodic drunkenness once more.  But I wasn’t a frightened little kid with it anymore.  Now I was a powerless, frightened young adult.  Big difference.

But a couple years into this, in-between housing court dates, something phenomenal happened.  After serving as a part-time neighborhood cashier in the nearby supermarket, in a role that stood me as a well-groomed, conservative-looking outcast in a valley of late 1980s teenage punks, suddenly I was offered a little part-time job in “the business”.

Even if my opaque aspirations from pre-adolescence were to become the Next David Letterman, complete with roaring audience and super-cool-sounding house rock band in a New York studio every night, or maybe some top creative network television decision maker, in a suit and tie on the sixth floor of 30 Rock by day and around a café table at Hurley’s with the bigwigs by evening, none of that mattered.  Here was the beginning. Answering a school-posted ad for a Production Assistant at a New York radio station, I showed up in my neatest Wall Street threads, got handsomely grilled by a couple of impressively menacing young staff directors of sorts, and a couple days later got a phone call for the job I didn’t originally apply for.

I’d been told the Friday afternoon thing was gone, but here’s this Saturday morning gig, and you’ll have to be here each Saturday before 5am.  In 1988 Dinkins-era New York City, a trip in from Brooklyn on the subway at 3am meant by any legal definition, suicide.  I said yes.  Remarkably, my mom showed no dissent, putting her son’s life goals before her own deadly fears.  In too many ways I somehow knew that a life-threatening Friday night on the subway to somewhere ostensibly enticing instead of a Friday night trapped in a wooden room with a fierce drunk was still a better option.

The radio station into which I was welcomed was a long-standing talk venue of the city and surrounding states, and played to a significantly affluent consumership.  It catered to suburbanites in upscale cul-de-sacs, and social-climbing children of the Park Avenue dowagers.  Some of it would now be presented on Saturday morning in part by a poor twenty-year-old kid risking his life in a dash through heroin-infested Times Square at 3AM.  The dichotomy was never lost on me.

Even if the station and its heritage descended from a long-gone storybook time of "Manhattan Tower" and Cocktails at The Algonquin, the cast and crew hailed from a much more contemporary time.  Even still, no one top to bottom could unhinge this museum from its image legacy.  In other words, if you wanted Howard Stern, or his audience, turn the dial. This place was sticking with the old money.  So long as those rent-controlled leases held out.

So just how connective were the 1980s youngsters in “the wings” with their stars and subject matter..?  Reliance on smug humor said it all.  Most of them were very dedicated and professionally-minded Broadcast Engineers. It was a solid-steel Union Shop, and I looked up to these handsome, successful and impressive craftsmen. 

These young men were the up-and-coming former apprentices to the elder set of hall-of famers, the far seniors whose careers dated back to the Bing Crosby remotes of the 1930s.  The trade was a tradition.  And so were the well-established, impressive Union wage scales.   Decades of periodic strikes defined that.  This however, I would come to learn, was the end of that period in history.

A lot of over-my-head business drama was once and for all dismantling the place, as a new parent company took hold and proceeded to make the place run at cost.  It meant divorce from full union shophood, and that plus similar changes in the local industry were the buzzkill to the party I stepped in on every weekend.  The “boys” were no longer sharing a collective laugh in Master Control about how Business Editor Karen Woodhouse characteristically mis-cued her engineer last Wednesday at 5:15 pm with the wrong phrase.  There weren’t more than a couple of “boys” around at one time anymore.

Yet, true to the place itself, some of the glaze still stuck to the pan.  To work there now meant an attitude devoted to every sound you created or helped to.  It wasn’t about “what you were paid”.  Somehow, artists don’t ascribe to price tags.

That made sense, because minimum wage or maybe a dollar or two more back then was not something negligible.  But to identify myself within those broadcast confines, instead of in a raging supermarket, still set me apart with some connection to my future shape. 

Soon, I adopted the in-house mentality of that appreciated team smugness, one that was literally worthless currency outside the building.  And I didn’t care.  Even if I did choose at times to freely drop name references and punchlines to thoroughly inside jokes in outside settings, yielding a polite smile or a hollow stare, WTF? I was entertained.  Far as I cared, I was hipper than the room.  No one ever understood Frank Zappa in his cameo shots on The Monkees, either.

It was all good, until I had to occasionally explain who I was or what I did amongst curious civilians.  When it came to family, fortunately they were well-off enough to know something about it.  If a schoolmate in some media-course college setting wanted to know, I’d drop names and titles, and got the obligatory “Whoa, that’s so awesome..!” Beyond that, I was a Romulan.  If I said I worked In Radio, four out of five, the first question was “Do you know Howard Stern..???”

Something about me was oddly at home in this antique shop, something I knew I’d never be able to articulate or share with others.  With me, it was always like that.  Thrift shops full of white elephants and trunks full of vintage TV Guide issues were my utopia. Now I worked inside the elephant. It was one hell of a trunk.

That professional alter-ego was just what I needed at the time.  Here I was, almost flunking in my last batch of college courses, nursing a codependent relationship with my occasionally-employed but too-often flatlined mother, and giving up sleep on Fridays to spend the night traveling on a city death-ride to set up for a job I didn’t always know just how critical for which my participation really was.

I took my tasks pretty seriously though.  I had to set up that stack of commercials for the engineers, those acrylic cartridges that resembled 8-track tapes. Had to make sure every one was exactly in place.  I had to prepare the stack of printed commercial copy and feature show sheets for the program hosts, so that it would be right there in front of them when air time arrived.  I did all this regularly on Saturday mornings, just to frequently find, as hosts and the engineers, trusted young men a few years beyond me, would confirm all the details with each other directly, ignoring me entirely, as I sat alongside in the control room.

Curious as it was, I would hold onto that little job like David Janssen, dragged along by a fender on a speeding car on Harry-O.  That meant never a day-off request.  This new identity was who I was.  What was I gonna do, ditch this for a barbeque..?

Only once, after I was introduced to a few other weekly shift positions, finally asked after nearly a year to work relief for a vacationer, did I inquire as to whether I could get a replacement for the dawn Saturday shift, since I’d work late Friday.   I was politely told, “No”.  I suggested other staff workers I knew as candidates.  None would be available.  That meant that none would be willing to travel into Times Square at 3AM for a little weekend presentation that wasn’t as important as what they visibly did during the week. I quickly got it.  Even this was a fortifying revelation.

Meanwhile, my undefined stature was really the ultimate compliment to my newly treasured, slender physique.  I was no Adonis, and was in no way athletic.  But to drop over seventy-five ugly pounds in eighteen months and fit into a size thirty-two at age twenty-one for the first time made me Gene Kelly on the M-G-M soundstage. I walked on clouds.  Clouds are what you can walk on when you have no life.

And it was no loss, believe me.  I was making a friend or two, but I was no social butterfly.  My little job was my recreation.  Home was this place I had to live in.  School was something irrelevant, to be survived.  And I had a part-time identity.  I was an Industry Professional.  You just couldn’t ask me what that meant.

That spring, I got a little invitation in the mail.  I touched base a year or two earlier with Lenore, a figure from my past, an old high-school flame.  We’d not been in touch for a long time, and there were reasons for that.  Our so-called undefined “relationship” was fraught with ambiguity.  It’s the very reason I don’t think teens ought to “go steady” and get “official” about their relationships.  Ours from the outset was like a divorced couple before the marriage even happened.  Phone calls went long into the night, and only decades later would I realize how necessary those encounters were to the both of us.

But, here again was Lenore, announcing her recent engagement and invitation to a celebratory dinner at a local bistro.  Right in my old Queens neighborhood.  And what better me to attend, than the slender, sleek-suited fellow with the buzz cut and shined Kinneys..?  It was pretty well-timed. Two years earlier, I’d have no choice but to excusably sick out of the whole thing.  But with a top hand-me-down wardrobe, a new self-identity and a body to match, I couldn’t afford to pass this up.

There’s more than one reason Lenore and I weren’t exactly Brooke Shields and Martin Hewitt in Endless Love. For one, there were no resemblances on anyone’s part. At age sixteen, I was a cherubic Justin Bieber when looking like Steven Tyler was sexy.  Lenore was not unsimilar in design, but was afflicted with an overweight condition.  In other words, she looked like a heavy-set, innocent sixteen year old girl.  And had the personality of such. 

That would have been great, except that living in the tight hamster cage of my life at the time, my obsession was a fantasy relationship with Carolyn, the blond girl in my English class, who sat one row across from me.  She was a tall, slender creation straight out of the Ingmar Bergman casting office.  Never did she show up in class looking like anything less than the Polo ad on page four of the Sunday New York Times Magazine.  I’d steal a sunlit glance at her Burberry skirt, her Nordic blond hair and turtle-shell frames, and enjoy a pretty nice few-second dream about a hand-held walk in the country. Preferably to a vintage antique shop loaded with ancient TV Guide magazines.  Then I’d get called on suddenly to answer “what was Mark Twain’s simile in that phrase..?” and get nailed for drifting.  Carolyn’s attentive laugh and eye contact was worth it.

No Carolyn for this cherub.  She was somehow polite enough in one of our friendly encounters to allude to the fact that she had a serious boyfriend.  The guy was older, taller, out of school and handsomer than the actor who would play him in the movie.  He was quite friendly too.  They could have each other.

My fate was with the girl who voluntarily pursued me, and that was Lenore. She was overweight, unpopular with the cliques, spent most of her time at home with her parents, loved to laugh, and was miserable most of the time.  If there’s one thing I just didn’t crave at the time, it was a carbon copy of myself.  They say you attract who and what you are.  So, here I was, predictably staring myself in the face.  This isn’t to say that in four years of high school I didn’t ultimately pursue one or two other girls and relationships.  But when I did, I’d invariably end up with someone too frightened, depressed or distracted to walk me up that self-image pedestal.  I just couldn’t get out of the district. Lenore it was.

In the time of our pre-collegiate years, we were hardly Romeo and Juliet. More like Stan and Dorothy in an episode of The Golden Girls, her tearing me a new one about my latest escort.  It was fun, until high school ended, and so did my self-confidence among others.

Four years later, I’d have my chance to live every divorcee’s dream. Why the hell not..?  Put it to you this way: My mother wasn’t about to let me pass this night up for the world. She even went out to Woolworth’s and got me a new tie clip.


I ventured out, back to my old Forest Hills neighborhood that cold April night.  I was certainly tired from my all-night, all-morning grind and had to be back tomorrow afternoon, but this adventure had me charged.  I was ready to go on stage at the Westbury Music Fair.  

I approached the side-street bistro and checked in.  Lots of handshakes with strangers, including the gentleman fiance, a tall, handsome enough young chap. Conventional stuff, until Lenore emerged through the crowd.  Let’s just say after four years her size hadn’t diminished.  More of an extensive advance.  To be delicate, she required no walking support.  That was encouraging.  And she was furnished in a beautiful white gown. She cried when she saw me and we embraced.  I was glad to be on my side of the encounter.  It was just as much my evening.  Maybe even more.

I was seated next to a old acquaintance of Lenore’s, some lovely young woman who’d joined her at a teenage weight-loss camp in the old days.  This lady seemed to bear no trace of her prior afflictions, and we enjoyed a nice handshake and observant flirtation with each other.  In a dark party setting with a deafening house dance mix, that’s all you can do, if you’re not leaving.

I was no dancer, but you’re supposed to hit the floor at these things, so up I went. Within one number, I was approached by a very tall, slender, mature looking young woman with a broad smile. She happily knew me, though I was a deer in the headlights.

“Oh…”, she laughed, “I’m Ariyka…!”  Erika with an “A”.  As if I could ever forget.

I couldn’t.  At age fifteen, when I would walk Lenore home from school each day, there was her nine-year-old sister’s classmate, the uproarious Ariyka.  From the time we met, she positioned herself Dennis the Menace to my Mr. Wilson.  Annoying as she was, her cliché Hollywood-sitcom-bratness redeemed her somehow.  The prototype for Kimmy Gibbler.

No brat now.  Here was a sleek, cropped blonde in gold frames and a red-satin dress, who looked less like a party guest and more like a promotions rep on her way to an executive presentation.  She was inches taller than me, and between my second-hand gray Armani suit and her Park Avenue looks, we were the dance floor stars of that TV commercial.  And this guy couldn’t even dance.

But the lovely young woman would not say no to another good stomp together, so we did, and we shared a few kind niceties between the din of the house.  That’s when her mother approached me from behind, almost maternally, touched my shoulder and spoke kindly into my ear…..”She’s fourteen”.

I kind of knew that, but I guess a polite reminder was in order. It certainly was, to look at the young lady.  Here I was, a year ago the object of attraction to no one much less myself, and now the sleek, Wall Street-Charlie Sheen-suited dasher.  I was the big-screen Judd Nelson I long disparaged, in the 80’s Hollywood movie I long trashed.  As a friend of mine would say, ”Ice cream and comic books couldn’t improve on this…”

The evening ended early for me, as I made my charming farewell to Ariyka and all, and as I stepped out, my ears thawing from the deafening house-mix interior, the Executive Rep in the Red Dress gazed at me as I met her eyes once more, on my march down that childhood block.

There’s only one thing you can do after such a pleasant first-time encounter at a function like that.  I’d seen enough romantic movies to know how this works.  You have to make contact, like with a small card, perhaps.  Knowing her full name, and the fact that she shared a building address with the guest of honor, I could easily oblige. I wrote a nice card saying how enchanting it was, etc, etc, and maybe we’ll meet up again.  I had no idea what that would hold, but somehow, it wasn’t even important.  The thing I kept uncomfortably reminding myself was, this is a fourteen-year-old.  What possible business does a man of twenty-one have associating with a girl of fourteen..??  On any perceivable level it was creepy.  The only thing that justified it was celluloid-theatrical.  It was two young people, separate in age, employing range in their roles.  I was forever the 20 who looked fourteen, and she was the fourteen who looked and sounded twenty-six.  We were both, in reality, a couple of innocent young children.

Meanwhile, in fact, I never would get around to seeing much of Ariyka again, if at all, as it turned out.  But we did actually maintain an immediate correspondence, in a few lighthearted letters and phone conversations.  Nothing too deep or personal, but rather a charming kind of precocious Regis Philbin talk-show visit, to lift our spirits on occasion.  What could be better..?  Ariyka told her mom about me, and the delightful lady was just as eager to share a lengthy chat.  In truth, they were both a riot.  But given the distance of our respective lives, geographically as well, our contact was sporadic.

But I did have memory of that one great evening. The one where I shined. And to no one was I cooler and hipper than to myself.  What a beautiful evening Lenore gave me.  Weeks later, I’m on the job one weekend, and in the control room, where all our foolish, eclectic, harmless inside jokes held forth, at one point I literally stepped out of character.  I confidently confided to our amiable engineer Marty, “so….I went up to this girl at a party the other night….she was talking about some dispute she had with her mom….so I said, ‘come tell me all about it here on the Doctor Susan Show’, that being an inside reference which no one but us who worked at times with midday radio feature host Doctor Susan, PhD. would pick up on. And maybe a few astute listeners.  Marty chuckled.  I was a proudly confirmed industry insider.

As one of the creative tape-and-control-room types (even if I bore no exorbitant salary or union membership granting me the rights to be one..), it would be remiss, I thought, if I didn’t regale Ariyka with my artistic side, and whip together a clever little mix-tape of songs I thought she’d appreciate, in light of our conversations.  I had a whole retro sixties theme in mind.  I’d start off with “Young Girl” by the Union Gap, then “Eight Miles High” by the Byrds, “Can You Dig It” by the Monkees, “Just Like A Woman” by Bob Dylan…..the ultimate in entertainment and artistic affection..! Made possible by my impressive new Sony dual-deck boom box. 

I mailed it off to her, and she thanked me in our next phone encounter, laughing predictably at some of the selections. Maybe I was introducing her to a few for the first time.  In some way, I felt as though I was scoring with an attractive young girl, the way the sixteen-year old supercool punks did with the fourteen year-old girls around me in my fat little junior-high days.  Only here I was, older, sophisticated, and professionally established and successful.  I was Max Von Sydow to her Barbara Hershey.  Hell, it was my movie, we could be whoever the hell I wanted.  All by way of a mix-tape.

I must have had some curiosity value. Ariyka soon invited me with great anticipation to a play her uptown school was presenting, some originally-created musical with staged parodies, backed with sing-and-dance-along-to-the-record numbers.  As strange as I felt about being a twenty-one-year-old professional visiting a company of pre-teen girls at a parochial school for an auditorium evening, I figured it was all innocence.  My mom certainly looked upon it as such.  She helped determine which shirt I’d wear to look the most attractively commanding. My weight was starting to gain on me once more, but that was no excuse to wear the comfortable pants. I’d have to wear the tweed chokers.

I was embraced like a theater critic that evening amongst a throng of adorable fourteen and fifteen-year olds. One charming young lady kept my attention during the intermissions, as we chatted about the days of musical theater, Jerome Kern, Leonard Bernstein, and anything else heady and frostingly pretentious we could think of.  I shared a greeting moment with Ariyka shortly after the performance, but she was then off with her clan, as I floated home for the evening.  I don’t know what I was in love with, but it must have been me leading myself on.  I was quite a Lothario.

 Somehow, it didn’t matter that I was in no regular contact with Ariyka. She was an occasional acquaintance, with whom my association meant more to me than the relationship.  She was certainly no celebrity. But she made me feel like one.  Whenever I reminded myself that this was all pretend on any level, it somehow made more sense.  Ariyka was not someone with whom I ever could or would share my semi-adolescent nightmare domestic and personal problems and fears with.  We were not intimate friends of that sort.  Nor was I inclined to divulge any of that life-poisoning crap with anyone for that matter.  My hell was my own.  Ariyka was my charming few-minute getaway from myself.  I know I enjoyed our brief encounters way more than she could have.  But she certainly seemed to enjoy phoning me for a few. That was all the prize I needed.

Sometimes that prize veered me away from my worst times.  Codependency in a relationship with an addict, perhaps a drunk, or as treatment professionals prefer, “functional alcoholic”, is head prison, akin to cult membership.  You’ll have to have one of those relationships half your life to understand, but I can’t decode it here.  For those who know the code, I can tell you about the evening my mother returned home from the office job she’d finally landed, in a last-ditch Hail Mary to keep us from apartment eviction a year earlier.  She was sober, depressed and suicidal, and insisted I join in and chase her.  For the first time ever, I refused. Ordinarily, I’d dive into a chase scene, but not today.  About an hour to her arrival, Ariyka suddenly phoned me, and we burst into one of our charming little riotous talk-show segments.  None of my haunts meant anything when I was “on stage”.  It’s known that when Johnny Carson was at his most commandingly, riotously, attractive best, it was when he’d return from his off-air life of legal threats, enemies and clinical depression.  That grind he constantly threatened to walk from saved his life.  This unscheduled little departure sure healed mine.  I wasn’t letting the fiend lure me into a chase this evening.  What the hell did I have to lose…? Let her fry.  She’d be fine in the morning.  Next day, she apologetically was.   I couldn’t rely on Ariyka to be there for me all the time, but she awoke me to something better: my ability to be there for me. I don’t know if I ever thanked her for that.   Or if I needed to.

I was on the job one late night, as one of the engineers was mastering one of the newly arrived agency commercials on tape.  It was a new national spot launch for Volkswagen, with a catchy campaign called “Fahrvergnügen” or in it’s native tongue, “Driving Pleasure”.  It was a chorus of Nordic girl singers harmonizing the word, and I somehow had this image of the European-drawn Ariyka crooning with them. The spot was all over the place like radio wallpaper, and it turned Ariyka into some kind of mind-screen-saver. I didn’t think it entirely appropriate, since this wasn’t someone I knew that well or even had any intentions toward.  We had almost nothing in common as any kind of friends, and apart from a charming little “talk-show” encounter here or there, no business with one another at all.  We’d forged a minor pen-pal-hood for a brief time, but I fast realized I had little to say or share with a kid who had better stuff occupying her. And yet despite it all, thinking about my contact with her every time that spot played made me feel good about me.

It was two years later, much of our destitution realized, our apartment gone, mom and I residing with my aunt in her 3-roomer, me out of school and still bare-pocketed with my lunch-money part-time job, that I would make contact with Ariyka again. I got up the nerve to phone her and say hello, and I was back residing in town once again. She was pleased to hear from me, and agreed to make time for a coffee date in the donut shop nearby.  It may not have been the encounter I’d have preferred.  Ariyka politely showed up.  She was pleasant, but seemingly preoccupied.  She was now seventeen, and on her way to college, discussing her military-school boyfriend’s background.  We weren’t trading witticisms as we once did, and I had nothing enticingly clever to offer. I did compose one more mix-tape for her, with some rare Beatles stuff that was first getting unleashed on compact disc from the U.K.  She said kindly, “That’s okay….I still have the other one….”  I don’t think we ever spoke again.

Once my part time pittance became full-time, in my efforts to present an economizing solution to a dismantled task force, my close and ailing elders soon gone, I was left alone, in my blissful solitude to care and fear about no one but myself. I acquired a room of my own, the kind for which Virginia Woolf once pined, and thought not much about anything except the next day’s demands.  It was peaceful, if not an evasive and often unhealthy life.  I never smoked, drank or got arrested. No tags got detached from any mattresses.  Ten years later, I almost died.

I would have, had I the courage to do so.  But my intentions were circumvented by a good friend or two, as well as my better mind.  I began to seek out the road to better health, and it was a grateful ride that was many times a mudslide.  Homeopathy became my primary healer, and when solitary confinement did me no longer any good, the relationship I’d find with a beautiful young alternative practitioner led to what I cite as my “next marriage”.  It’s the best one yet.

It’s strange and beautiful, residing now more properly and respectfully in a handsome, vintage mid-century building, in the borough of my youth, returning full circle in many ways in mid-life to the place that once nurtured me in my impressionable mind.  But it was even stranger a few years ago, when some staff reconfigurations at work would force me back into pre-dawn patrol on weekends.  I had to re-learn how to return home late and up and out early once again on some regular basis.  People with rent or mortgages to pay aren’t afraid to do these things.  I’m too grateful to find any fault with it.  It happens to be an incredible souvenir, a genuine throwback, to a time in some ways alienating and horrifying.  And at the same time, one commandingly victorious.  It may be debilitating to acknowledge that after three decades, I’m reduced to marching down a barren crosswalk in the dusk of pre-dawn on a spring Sunday, onto an eternal subway platform vigil, to a job that gets thanked by corporate greeting in note form once every year or so.  But it’s a precious ascension.  An ascension beyond the constrictions of age, of time, of chances lost, and the life I never thought I’d see, and one I can’t promise I’ll well navigate.

The only thing missing down that crosswalk on a spring dawn is that Volkswagen commercial. I heard it on-line somewhere recently, and it sent me back to an awful, younger, powerless time.  It was that magnificent time, when I genuinely adored myself. 

The job and profession to which I introduced and affixed myself back then has not proved to be one of phenomenal prestige, award, or lucrativity.  Once a Grand Hotel before my time, it’s now a corner bus stop for many. Few will find permanent comfort on one of those shell-covered benches, as buses stop and go by. You have to be okay with a shell-covered bench that transports you nowhere, but shelters you, and has you seeing and helping so many on their way, as well as welcoming those who’ve needed to return.  For one thing, you never know who’ll meet, waiting and arriving.  Sometimes it’s nice to have the bench to yourself.  The good news is, the bus stop remains. The buses still come and go, and the bench is a founded one.

About a year ago, a long-time industry colleague of mine introduced me to her visiting daughter, a charming woman of twenty-one, on the fast track of graduation from M.B.A.-hood to a business role in some international tech outfit. This vibrant young lady in the DKNY threads, upon introduction beamed when she saw me, and clutched my hand in a passionate handshake, expressing a thankful captivation for who I was and what I did for her mom and others in the place.  I knew her mom long appreciated me and told her girl about me.  But this was quite a reception.  It made my day.

A day like such today, much like all those years ago, is all I’m really entitled to, all I can afford, and all I really need.  That young woman went out of her prestigious way to provide me with one.  It gave me something I can’t remember having since I was her age:  Driving pleasure.












Sunday, May 5, 2024

Sixteen at 40

The path I walked yesterday was a most rewarding one.  Venturing a few blocks beyond my standard march to the train, I veered down the very block on which I lived my teenhood. Being able to do that, residing so near to your pristinely maintained teenage setting and having the freedom to stroll down that very block anytime is a precious gift. I think I’ve avoided it as a habit for so long, to prevent ever taking it for granted.  Like any kid with a graced adolescent upbringing, there were laughs, drama, and a good amount of tears, many of which were probably unnecessary.  But the one ingredient that bonded my teenage foundation, perhaps the most impressionable time in my life, was one of life’s most critical: Worry.

When you’re ordained in the art of worry, you’re halfway there, certainly at that age.  My mom didn’t need to be a “Tiger Mom”. The tiger was in my own inner cage, giving me that excoriant look, one that plagued my mind and my stomach always.  Almost every weekday, on the way to my high school commute, I’d be absorbed with some modicum of worry over what the day would bring.

Even when I wasn’t specifically worried over that particular day’s fortune, I was not one to bear a sense of laughable joyfulness with friends on the way to first period.  I was lucky if I wasn’t too tired to get to first period altogether.

Like many grind-driven high-schoolers, Honor Society-candidate, eyes-to-the-sky, nose-in-the-books, fear-in-the-heart, I never slept all too well. Even if I was out cold by 1am and up at 6, barked awake by the popped-on newsanchor on the FM radio station reminding me what time it was, that was just a catnap. There was an art to knowing all the regularized, safe intervals for momentary drift-offs, in band class, history class, and sometimes, even Physics.

By the second half of my junior year, I wasn’t frightened of Physics anymore.  I was nearly on the flunk when it all started in the fall.  But only one round or two with a hired tutor confirmed me to the fact that, in contrast to nearly every classmate of mine who couldn’t conceal how lost they were in the course, I had the concepts down completely.  I found that hard to believe, but true it was.

I wasn’t steeped in the math world of pre-calculus, like my classmates.  Because of a comprehensive setback in math a few years earlier, I was in a more remedial algebra directive.  Being steeped in, and finally on top of the whole algorithm and quadratic equation scene, it was the ultimate bridge into what looked a hell of a lot like the same thing two periods earlier.  That’s because it was..!

But there was in fact this looming matter of the Regents Exam. Like most courses, it was genuinely all about the Regents Exam at term’s end, the exam grade, and how it all piles up on your Permanent Record, the one that’s analyzed and scrutinized by the keepers of College Admissions, who will allow you through that precious gate into the passageway to a life of Success and Happiness.  Only on one’s Judgement Day at the Gates Pearly will one again bear such trepidation.

At age sixteen, I didn’t know whether the latter might precede the former.  Nothing, to this high school junior, or perhaps one such as this, was scarier than an oncoming Regents Exam.  It defined your immediate future worth, let alone whether you’d be held back in course, forced to repeat the prior five months.

Time spent with the Barron’s Regents Sample Guide did not prove too intimidating, but I had to be mindful about putting mental blocks and fear traps aside, and simply reading and absorbing the questions and following through with answers that were stunningly easy.  The biggest trap with these exams, I discovered, was overthinking the questions in a state of doomed panic. The winning cat will be the cool one.

The Spring of ’84 was not the breezy jeans-commercial parade I viewed an early-schedule junior’s life to be, one year earlier.  Somehow I wasn’t strolling out of school in my designer denim jacket, on my way with the Cool Kids, roaming over to the pizzeria at two in the afternoon.  I roamed with my friends to the avenue, waited eternally in the April frost for a local bus packed to the rafters with rambunctious kids from a nearby school, and squashed in for the bounce-fest home, where my mom and I would convene over an afternoon sandwich.  I’d then collapse for a two-hour nap, and awaken into a pile of homework, dinner and exam crams ‘til David Letterman ambled out on Channel 4 at 12:30. If the opening bit looked good, I’d turn in at the break. 

Mornings were no longer Darkness Visible.  At least the sun was breaking through the earlier rise at 5:30am.  The soft-“AC” FM station I somehow preferred to those kid-friendly rock and pop stations would be purring me awake with the last half of a Spandau Ballet or Cyndi Lauper number leading into the local newscast.  I’d made the switch somehow to NBC’s Today on my bedroom portable from ABC’s Good Morning America.  Back then, I think it had something to do with the fact that NBC began their news presentation thirty minutes earlier.  If I needed to be up that early, they ought to be as well.

School life and it’s differing schedules introduced me to the element of application, that of applying one’s self. From the time I was in grammar school, steeped in homework, 12 pages of history book and essay questions, three pages of math problems, comprehensive English assignment essays…..dragging my dizzy self out of bed on a freezing, dark morning…trudging out to the bus stop and waiting indefinitely in a blizzard that the city just lived around…..I knew there was some greater reason to succeed at it all.

There was some expectation and demand upon me, the way it was on every towering individual around me, to prove myself, in such way that no less would be tolerated.  There was no such thing as a “mental health day”, or an award for “showing up”.  When I was a youth, showing up was your only alternative to getting into trouble, or by parental definition, “destroying your life”.

Back in the tenth grade, my mom and I spent a spring afternoon one Sunday with my aunt and her daughter, a professional woman in her late twenties.  She was “temping” at the time, at some high-end real estate and retail offices, edging her way into the upscale social circle.  She’d attended community college briefly long ago, and always made light of her poor grade average in high school. 

While the folks all convened in the kitchen, I adjourned to the bedroom down the hall, the traditional bored kid watching TV and doing his homework, which I brought with me.  In the kitchen, my mom asked me how the homework was going.  My aunt’s daughter enjoyably spoke up…..”I am soooo glad I don’t have homework anymore….! I hated it…!”  I was entertained by her recollection, but both her mother and mine almost leered her out of the room.  The young lady quickly apologized to the impressionable schoolboy, one driven to aspirations clearly much further than hers.  The apology was more to them.  I found it all amusing.

Today, that woman is thirty years married to a retail executive, residing for many years in suburban affluence. I live in the urban mid-scale, eternally rent-threatened and treading the common precipice of prayer and one-unknown-disaster-away from it’s-all-over.  It’s a life I don’t take for granted for one moment, and I despise myself for any moments I don’t.

I took too much for granted when I was sixteen.  When you’re a kid, you’re not really expected to know much better.  But I enjoyed the life I had plenty.  I didn’t have the commitment of peer pressure, and expectations of friends that I had to live up to.  No girlfriend to please, other than the ambivalent friendship-relationships that have long since arrived prominently en vogue amongst the young these days. I didn’t “go out” by day or by night.  I went to school and came home, and my ideas and imaginations were my life’s décor.  Action figures and accessories were my actors and sets for my invented movies and plays.  Late Saturday nights meant an old-school Lebo headset full of the vintage LPs from my mom’s discarded folk collection….Dylan, Donovan, Leadbelly…I had little to do with the predominant culture. By preference.

And when the weekend was over, it was back to Barron’s and Regents Trep. 

The spring prior, it was all about the Math Regents, the Spanish Regents, the Bio Regents….I did a lot of obligatory learning in those few years. Like too many, I have retained too little of it since. And for all the driven fear that fueled my unquestioned purpose during those arctic morning trudges and those spring afternoons in my breezy bedroom, chained to my desk with the Regents guides, I now ask the formerly relevant and now belated question:  What has all that rigor, all those exams, that foolishly irrelevant SAT exam and its costly prep course given me to bolster my life’s direction, self-worth and economic future at middle age..?

No one will dare hazard an answer to that question.  The young high-schooler won’t understand the answer.  The stranded middle-ager, the Liberal Arts-minded, unexecutive, unaffluent, underachieved laborer adrift in an ocean of younger and far advanced grownups, won’t consume something so fatally toxic and self-destructive.

But as the sixth decade draws past the fifty-yard line, and I stroll the shady block I walked when Blondie played on WLIR-FM, and The Uncle Floyd Show on Channel 68 made dinner on Monday night something to look desperately forward to, I know what the precious tool was. 

It’s the blindered structure of life. It’s worry as directive. Daily rigor, long and short-term goal as purpose. It’s “worry” as Aristotelian practice, the achieved balance of realistic as well as “un-“.  Like the gym membership we all adhere to a little late in the game for reasons we now know, school for those of us mis-directed “nerds” was life’s critical preparatory architecture, the gift and relief of a job well completed, the struggle for acknowledgement and acceptance in the eyes of decisive authority.  You can’t have a “day off” without a majority of “days on”.

A life structured on such tenets is not perfect.  When one’s life is crippled by loss, of a job or a loved one, perhaps one’s home, the lesson is one of betrayal.  But for one that can establish or re-establish that structure in one’s life at any time, it’s the very gift of thinking and feeling as one walks that very same shaded block one walked as a child.  And the knowledge that young or old, large or small, we really all walk that same path.  I’m going to walk it again tomorrow.

-Noah F.






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  Everyone has their favorite Christmas or holiday episode of some old TV series.   Almost every domestic situation comedy in the last sixty...